

  • On this 2015 MCQ I earned a score of 27/39, I did this mcq with any exterior knowlege, to show where I really stand, I think some of these java skills I still need to master as I have never had experience in java before this class and since I am not the fastest learner so learning all 10 units in 1 sprint made me overlook a lot of the key information as I was experienceing all the information in a quick time period, however to tailor this over this winter break I am going through all collegeboard videos on the 10 units as well as doing extra practice problems from looking at the student lessons from last trimester, I am doing about 1 unit spending 2 days of time about 2 hours a day trying to grasp this information so when I comeback from winterbreak I will be a better programmer.

Question 6


Time Spend: 6:37 Unit 2 String Class

Topics: Strings Class and Concatenation

  • Reflection: Here when breakign down the problem I was initally confused by indexof("art") !=-1,but know I understand this to mean that if the word contains art this shouuld be deemed to false, therefore my option C is incorrect due to the fact that harmchortlerowbar wont even return the word art so you cant get the index of art even when you do add the words together, therefore A is correct becuase “rattrapsimilartoday” results in the word “art” in between the words similar and today making you return true.

Question 7


Time Spent: 6:47

Topics: Inner and Outter Nested Iteration

  • Reflection: Here the code runs through inner and outer loops of the code assigning the value 1-6 for outer loop and then itterates value for the inner loop of outer value to 6 using the mod to check if there is no remainder when dividing by 2 meaning that the inner value is even when being divided by 2 then prints it resulting in a print of 2,4,6 there fore the other values arent printed from 1-6 now to determine the pattern the code starts with each set of even numbers, it moves to a new line to start the next iteration. My answer was completely off becuase it would mean that outer wasnt even set giving you a linear pattern.

Question 9


Time Spent 10.05? (not sure this is correct I remember answering the question pretty quickly)

  • Math.random is the usage of using 0-1 but not including 1 so if its multiplied by 6 you get the values 0-5 not including 5 therefore to find the sum you have to add them up however I isunderstood the portion of the +2 because I didnt see why we needrd but it makes sense that it shifts the values by tw oas it can be up to 6 sided die not 5 so we miss one side form each of the sides but couldnt you also just multiply by 7 instead of 6 so you get 0-6 not including 6?

Question 19


Time Spent: 2.09

  • Reflection: Here i chode i and ii only due to the fact that I thought it would justify the mod 2 requirements however I was clearly mistaken and it does due to the fact the codnition that 1 is not less than 0 therefore the value doesent go through. Therefore 1 is clear adn two and three also fall in the same category.

Question 20


Time Spent: 5:59 Reflection: Here we are analyzing the array and the vales returned by the nums, and keeps tracked of the index through its algoithm Initally I chose B becuase it was the option that I thought made most sense in terms of the idea of tracking index numbers but reading it back the option desent make sense since the value in nums could b eless than index where I my have gotten stumped in the process, was not completely undrstanding what the algorithm was doing.

Question 22

Image Time Spent: 9:00 Reflection: Here I confused myself with colum and row major order, within the algorithm in option E the values are itterated through column major order not row major order therefore my confusion of columns and rows made me chose the wrong answer so it makes sense that A is the correct option throug the algorithm running through the array in a row.

Question 26

Image Time Spent 2:05 Reflection: When I first approached this question I was really lost and wasnt quite sure what the correct approach to this question becuae I feell ike arrays is a topic I have to review again as it isnt my strongest, here I noticed that teh changeIt mehtod makes the array size to 5 and anything after would result in a 0 as way to cut it off but I was mistaked as 6 is a set to a num as well and for the string going over the question I see that it was never changed to a substring so it should remain blackboard leaving option E to be correct.

Question 30

Image Time Spent: 3:54 Reflection: Here I chose option i and ii but option i is inocrrect reflecting on this I can see now where I went wrong as the boolean expression in option evaluates the number of boxes to the wrong values as the expression evalues to expressions to two making you ahve extra vlaues .

Question 31

Image Time Spent: 3:29 Reclection: Here was just a silly mistake I was able to decipher the problem howevere the option I chose was wrong becuase it states that the x/o’s continue for two more times where the algorithm doesent check that many times

Question 32

Image Time Spent: 6:23 Reflection: I wasnt quite sure how to approach this qustion but looking back at this question I can see that that the answer I chose initializes the getMajor incorrectly as it doesent close its own parenthesis.

Question 36

Image Time Spent: 4:21 Reflection: Here the algorithm uses bianary search to find out how many times the algorith m needs to be executed before to calculate the midpoint honestly I just guessed this question but now looking back and rereading the code it is displayed that algorithm divides by 2 without a remainder so to get the mid point you would itterate throug 11 times.

Question 37

Image Time Spent: 5:04 Reflection: Here I skiiped over option 3 as I initally thought that it doesent even function to concat the words however algorithm three adds in the reverse order to concat the words which is somethign I just simply looked over.


  • I could have worked in a more focused enviornment
  • I need to work on string and math classes in UNit 2
  • Unit 7 array list is another weakness
  • Unit 8 2D arrays still confuse me as I get confused wiht the the orders or row vs column


  • Although I missed 12 I was still able to itterate through each code segment
  • Polymorphism questions werent as hard due to the sort project
  • I was good wiht the for loops and conditional statements.