Summary of what I learned

  • In this lesson I learned a lot about libraries which are ways of code that are previously written so users can reuse them. Also I learned about different random functions such as radrange and rad int. Finally I learned about documentation and how it can level up your code through the through explanation it gives.


  • Documentation: The what, how, or why of the code
  • Libraries: Prewritten code or procedures that can be used to maximize efficiency
  • API: Data stored in a database that can be accessed via code


  • Documentation is understanding the purpose of a procedure when it gets too long -random.choice picks a random item from a list
  • random.shuffle shuffles a the items in a list
  • radint: this allows you to generate a random integer from a set range
  • radrange:can be written like randrange(start, stop, step) where start is the minimum value, stop is the maximum value (like the randint function), and step is the incriment the values can be and its default value is 1


(1) Reflection

Thorough notes or summary that reflects understanding of today's lesson.

(2) Multiple Choice

What does the random(a,b) function generate? A. A random integer from a to be exclusive

B. A random integer from a to b inclusive. Explanation : This is becuase the random integers from a to be pick something within these parameters leaving it to be answer B

C. A random word from variable a to variable b exclusive.

D. A random word from variable a to variable b inclusive.

What is x, y, and z in random.randrange(x, y, z)? A. x = start, y = stop, z = step EXPLANATION : This is the answer as random rad range gives you a number from one of these sets so in this case x = start y= stop z= step

B. x = start, y = step, z = stop

C. x = stop, y = start, z = step

D. x = step, y = start, z = stop

Which of the following is NOT part of the random library? A. random.item This isnt not a known function in random librabries

B. random.random

C. random.shuffle

D. random.randint

(3) Short Answer Questions

What is the advantage of using libraries? ANSWER: The advantage of using libraries is its a faster and more easier way to get code rather than having to write it and test it.

import random # importants random library 

names_string = input("Give me everybody's names, seperated by a comma.")
# gets the names of "everybody" and then splits them into a list using the .split() method
names = names_string.split(",")

num_items = len(names)
# Finds the number of items through the length of the names list
random_choice = random.randint(0, num_items - 1)
# uses a random number from getting randint function

person_who_will_pay = names[random_choice]
# assigns whoever to pay with the random choice

print(f"{person_who_will_pay} is going to buy the meal today!")
# prints whats going to be displayed. 
krishiv is going to buy the meal today!

Task 1

import random

lst = ["chris", "Dan," "Madi","mulchy", "Merua", "Juan", "Bran","Kimmy", "krishiv", 'qais', "caleb", "jhon", "bob", "tod", "sherly"]

for i in range(3): # tells to pick the 3 name 
    print(random.choice(lst)) # print these names from a list

Task 2

import random

def roll_dice():
  die1 = random.randint(1, 6)
  die2 = random.randint(1, 6)
  return die1 + die2

num_players = 2

player1 = ["Krishiv"]
player2 = ["Jermey"]

for player in player1:
  krishivscore = roll_dice()
  print(f"You rolled {krishivscore} in total!")

for player in player2:
  jermeyscore = roll_dice()
  print(f"You rolled {jermeyscore} in total!")

  if krishivscore > jermeyscore:
    print("Krishiv Wins")
    print("Jermey wins")

# Explanation: First I took my two player which is krishiv and jermey, then I made sure to define them with the special rad int function to simulate rolling the dice. Then I made a loop displaying how the dice would be rolled as it prints a number the person rolled
You rolled 6 in total!
You rolled 7 in total!
Jermey wins