
  • I scored a 40/50 and I felt like I did well on the theoretical topics however I struggled again with procedures and questions abou the interney which are things I will review in the coming weeks


  • The data should be encrypted allowing for a routing key however that teh key isn't set and data should encrypted making option A correct, this topic I need to review should be the internet topic in big idea 1.


  • A larger data set would be based on purchaing of history while a school ananlyzing is way more efficient for societty


  • This is incorrect due to teh fact that binary between numbers would examine everything in between growing so it would be n^2 power making it doubled


  • In orderto show in undecidable problem you need to provide an algorithm that cannot be written for teh situation


  • This is incorrce becuase undecidable means that no algorithm is possible


  • The algorithm runs in n^2 since its polynomial aking it be reasonable, it would not be when it is just = to n


  • THis doesent draw the circle @ the correct coordinate it goes to 2,2 this was an error as I read the question wrong

This draws the circle @ 4,4 making it the wrong corrdinate as the sort function is first


  • THis would be wrong The value 10 is the maximum number of elements each binary search will examine, not the difference between the maximum number of elements examined.


  • This is incorrect This code segment traverses the entire list and compares all elements in the list to the first element. This includes comparing the first element to itself which will always evaluate to true; however, the first element in the list does not represent a student’s score.