Qualcom Seminar

Summary/What I learned

  • Finding your love for engineering is crucial if you want to be an engineer, due to the amount of problems you solve if you dont love to do it will be a drag and useless for you. Although if you find engineering as a fun type of project which continously excites you that is what is important. Once you find your passion you should start to go deeper into concepts, as a highschooler you should participate in ceratin classes and challenge yourself in that specific field. After going to colledge and getting a job it is important to keep your balance in life, it is important to go outside and spend time with others even though you can be left at your computer for hours. Overall engineering is a fun thing to do it makes you solve problems, collaborate, and it requires an initiative, but it is also ijmportant to remeber to keep yourself smiling all through it.


  • An engineer at qualcom
  • works on the cell phone connectivity to networks
  • beleives enginnering helps people solve problems and makes them better
  • thinks solving problems and having communcation is a key piece of engineering
  • worked many jobs to gain experiences
  • dont be afraid to when you first enter engineering you shouldn’t be afraid
  • its all a team effort don’t do it alone
  • its important to take breaks


  • Fell in love wiht engineering at first sight
  • left medicince to become a software eengineer
  • although she like eengineering she didnt now what she wanted to do
  • ended up as a software eengineer
  • she always has a strong emphasis on hard work how it would become a useful in the future


  • How to know what side of engineering you want to pursue? (software, hardware, etc)? You should always try to experience everything to be able to get your feet wet and find your passions. Once you are able to identify that you should try to build things and get involved with projects.

  • What universities specialize in software engineering? In those universities, what are the majors that would help me learn the necessary skills and concepts to get a software developer job in tech app companies (Google, Amazon, Apple, Qualcomm)? What should I do in high school to increase my chances to get admitted into them? You should be challange yourself and make an impact throughought enginnering.