
  • Some challenges we have faced is that we were unable to coordinate the roles in our group. However we have overcome this by communicating through discord and the scrum board
  • Also we had troubles on starting with our app as often times were would get into a loop hole of questions. This was overcome by talking with each other and watching yourube videos and communicating with our teachers

Our Progress

  • Currently we in our stage of creating the special tools to our webiste, in progress we have the design being completed, api being coded,also we have certain elements being created such as our calorie counter, water log,bmi calculator.

What is ahead

  • For us as a group it is important to set a standard of work that is being completed. Friday- 2 elements on the website Monday- APi running, homepage finished, and Tuesday finish all elements have clean website Wenesday- making sure everything is running on AWS and get ready for night at the mueseum