Summary of Meeting

  • Coding is a vast place and it can be used for many industries. For this reason its important that you use code to serve a purpose such as code for the better of people. These will lead you to having an impacful career. Also its important to understand that your career isnt something that is to be set in stone, it is a place something that you should be able to reflect on as a learning experience and represent your constant growth. Overall, today I coding can be used in many industries and its important to apply your knowledge to a purpose you are dedicated from.

    Speaker 1 Kethyleen Beveridge

    About The Speaker

  • Born in Vietnam (immigrated to california 1980)
  • Lived in san Jose for 24 years
  • Studied in Spain for two years
  • Beleives to live life with passion and kindness Career
  • Finance Major
  • Stoke Broker for 1 year but quickly relaised it wasn’t for her
  • She went back to school to get a degree in Engineering
  • Worked in Qualcomm for an Engineer and Left About 5 years Ago
  • Joined thermofisher in order to help society
  • Uses tech as a place to make the world a bettter place
  • GOAL: Use rescources to help people in need rather than create products
  • Beleives you can do anything with tech as long as you have an purpose to have an impact on the world
  • Worked at hp, qualcomm, and thermo fisher scientific
  • Tech Should be used to help people

Speaker 2 Kris Porter

About The Speaker

  • Livermore High School Alumni where he found a love for STEM courses
  • Enrolled at UCLA for elecrtical engineering
  • Foucs on Communication systems and computer networks
  • First CS class (cs 31) he failed it
  • Masters Degree in Electrican Engineering from Cal State LA
  • Developed a research project
  • introduces linux operating system and software development life cycle Career
  • Graduated in 2008 and he wasnt able to find a real tech job for 2 years
  • System Enginner at a start up GPM where he worked as a person who worked with databases.
  • HE setup streaming media infrastructure in 2012 for the olympics
  • got a devops thanks to mr M in 2014 as he worked with develops and engineering
  • got a job at twitter at hightech in twitter
  • learned python at udemy
  • machine learning nad deep learning
  • He did a lot of traning with data courses at twitter


Do You Have Experience with Agile Methodology

  • (Kris) Yes as an engineer he used methodoly as he used time fragments as he worked in twitter he had What Type of Machine Learning Did You go Through
  • (Kris) He worked with gitlabs and he used many things like algorithims and worked on python databases in order to help his company manage costs. *Most Important Skill In the Tech Industry?
  • (Kris) A skill that is very important is to always be open to learning because tech is diverse meaning you will need to be flexible
  • (Kethyleen) Be flexible aas you can always end up in many places in the world as you dont know where you will end up