
  • I got a 52/67 this was because I interpreteed the question wornt also I started it late at night making me to take the test with a rush not making me think through each problem. However all the corrections that I went over I didnt struggle with and I was immidieaty allowing for me to know have a better score.
Question Answers
15 This is wrong becuase i being displayed doesent matter the result is what matters
18 Can move into the black region becuase after it rights
22 it is 1/8 not 1/6 beucase its divided into ths
37 You just sbutract by two from teh end not the start
39 you need to add to the sum with i making a incorrect becuase it doesent do that.
40 Certificate authorities do not verify the safety of Web sites. but encryption keys helpe with that
41 It will trim right and then lfet allowing for the filename to be stored it wont be stored jsut in one way.
50 All algorith run because they use time complexity of n fastening.
51 The algortih is more than 5 minuets becuase it goes above the other
57 Internet protocols are to establish aa connection ad a standard as it was
59 Open source can be updated which is why its correct establishing a connection
60 using a list that count by 10 doesent give you the answer thats why it is wrong.
62 Need to select two options so b is also correct as it gives you another correct output
64 Need to select two options so d is also correct as it gives you another correct output of multypling -2 by -5
65 D is wrong becuase concatting to that substring allows to give you the wrong word.